5 Uncommon Essentials for Long Hospital Stays

Being admitted to the hospital with your child is a challenge. Unexpectedly being admitted to the hospital is even more of a challenge. I’m not trying to brag or anything, but I feel like I’m a pro when it comes to staying in the hospital with my little ones. Reagan spent 155 days in the hospital during her first year of life; 130 in the NICU, 4 days in the PICU, and 21 days admitted to regular rooms. Since these were on 4 separate occasions, I’ve learned a thing or two about what makes the stay more comfortable.

Here are 5 Uncommon Essentials for Extended Hospital Stays:

1. Mattress topper (to get a decent sleep)

This is the crown jewel of uncommon essentials for hospital stays. If you only take one thing away from this post, this better be it! Those hospital beds, no matter how they’ve “advanced” them, are still uncomfortable vinyl bricks that are made to withstand loads of wear and tear. And boy do they feel like it! Adding a twin sized mattress topper (or two in my case!) will make your hospital stay waaay more comfortable! And because you’ll be getting a better night's sleep, you’ll be able to tend to your child better. Rough night’s sleep = Bear of a mama! Good night’s sleep = Sweet as pie mama!

2. Tennis shoes (to get some genuine fresh air)

Being cooped up in the hospital room isn’t good for anyone. Getting some genuine fresh air (I’m not talking about the proverbial fresh air just walking down to the food court and grabbing a snack) by getting outside of the hospital building can help you gain a new perspective, allow you to converse with God and hear Him, and just get those endorphins going with a little exercise! This is my saving grace after being strong for my little one when she gets IV’s (they typically blow a lot of veins) and blood draws or when I hear hard-to-hear news. A good pair of tennis shoes makes for a better, more therapeutic, walk or run.

3. Headphones (to listen to podcasts/music while your child sleeps)

As long as I have eyes on my daughter and the machines, I don’t feel anxious about wearing my Beats. I don’t always want to listen to the beeps and bells and sounds of the hospital. I want to get a little lost in a feel good TV show, podcast, or music.

4. A big hospital bag (to bring all the essentials)

There’s a lot of things you need to pack for an extended hospital stay. (Don’t worry, we always forget something and the hospital or their gift shop is normally pretty good about providing those things.) I typically bring two full bags. One bag is for my essentials and the other bag is Reagan’s favorite things. I use the things she likes for everyday play and then I save the things she really loves for after she gets poked with needles or has surgery..

5. Vitamins/Supplements (to stay healthy around sick people)

It’s easy to forget about taking care of yourself while you have a child in the hospital. If you’re reading this post, I know you’re the kind of mama who does everything for her kids. Every time my daughter gets admitted, I eat bad foods, get sick to my stomach from stress, and overall just stop taking care of myself because I focus so much on her. That’s a quick way to feel sick and actually get sick. An easy fix, even if you are an emotional eater like me, is to take your vitamins every day!

Hospital stays are rough on everyone in your family. If you have a little one admitted, please share with us so we can pray for you, your little one, and your family! Please remember to take care of yourself. You can’t pour from an empty cup, mama. Being prepared for a hospital stay makes things easier. I hope these 5 uncommon essentials for long hospital stays can help you find a little more peace while being admitted.


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